wellness journey


Like you, I’ve traveled many roads in this life journey, but my destination has always been clear — take the best path forward.  There are always hills to climb, and roads to coast, but the journey is always forward.  We all have struggles, we all have mountain-top experiences…I want to help you on your journey as I share my own with you…a journey that is always moving forward on the path toward a better life — health in mind, body, and spirit!

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The pain of Betrayal Trauma is something that hits you with a force you’d never imagined. PTSD is a common diagnosis after betrayal, causing you to be in an almost constant state of ‘fight-of-flight’ mode.  I’ve been there — and I’ve written an ebook called ‘Setting Boundaries: Finding Peace in Betrayal Trauma’.  I didn’t know what to do initially when blindsided by betrayal, so I’ve written about the steps I learned to help bring me to a better place of healing and peace from the chaos that Betrayal Trauma brings.

My Wellness Journey Posts

I’m Kelly Nickel

I am a busy mother of 4, a coach, and an entrepreneur. I’ve been an accomplished leader in the fitness, mind & body connection world. I have won awards as a fitness coach, and attained multiple certifications in fitness and nutrition. I trained with Billy Blanks® and the Tae Bo® system for 5 years, taught at the University level for 2 years, then opened my own physical fitness business and ran that successfully for 7 years.

My biggest accomplishment and joy in life are my 4 amazing and beautiful children and their spouses. They have seen the good, bad, and ugly of their mama, yet they have loved me well. They’ve watched me in my imperfection, but they’ve seen me practice what I preach. They’ve watched me learn gymnastics in my 40’s just so I can stay young and learn something new. They’ve watched me doubled over in the pain of trauma. They’ve watched me in the mess and chaos work through some of my most deeply crushing blows, and they’ve encouraged me, loved me, played with me, laughed with me, and been there for me. I am alive today because of these beautiful people, and I couldn’t be more grateful!

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